Reconstruction of surfaces with analysis of rough cast

By superimposing the scanned file with the original CAD file, we approve the processing of items.

From the 3D scanning, we also create a 3D file of the original item. The scan controls the validity of the item. The processing is then guaranteed.

Foundry applications:

[tabs tab1=”On items” tab2=”On equipment”]
→ reverse engineering for old items.
→ research for indication of scanned items modifications.
→ control of dimensional quality for development or production.
→ assistance in developing equipment with strain control.
→ rough casts checking and realigning before processing.

Fonderie : CAO usinée, CAO brute, cartographie usinée, nuage de points, Be scan
→ reverse engineering of molds or cores after development in workshop.
→ wear control of core boxes by map making.
→ restoration of old equipment.
→ development of controls or processing support.

Outillage fonderie sable et noyaux sable Be scan